OPPO Smartphones

Over the last few years, work culture has seen a tremendous shift around the globe. The pandemic forced many companies to switch to work from home operations. That was a new experiment for both businesses and their employees. Surprisingly, work from home culture has gained so much popularity that some companies permanently adopted this working mode. Employees are happy that they are saving commute costs as well as having time to spend with their families. While the companies are saving millions of pounds which otherwise these entities would have to spend to maintain their physical offices. So, this is a win-win situation for both stakeholders.

On the other hand, we can see that Android phones have now become an essential part of our daily lives. We use them for many day-to-day tasks such as sending messages, replying to emails, browsing the internet, and storing our critical data. The good news is that the best Android phones can be used to assist you in working from home. Let’s explore different ways through which you can take advantage of your smartphones in managing your work from home schedule.

Use it As a Backup Network

Probably the best benefit that you can get from your smartphone is the liberty to use it as a backup network. For this, you will have to turn on the data connection followed by switching on the hotspot of your mobile device. After this, just connect your work-device such as laptop, PC, tablet with your best Android phone and you are good to go. You may have a Wi-Fi network installed on your home, but you may experience slow speed on it due to having multiple home users using that network. Secondly, it is always better to have a backup network in case your home network goes off due to any problem.

Make Use of Work Friendly Apps

One of the many reasons behind the Android phones success is the availability of numerous apps on Google Play Store that you can use to add a little more comfort, routine, and productivity in your life. You can download several apps from Play Store such as Video-conferencing apps, Email apps, Instant messaging apps that can enhance your work productivity at the comfort of home. Secondly, when you can use your best Android phone such as OPPO Reno7, offering a phenomenal camera quality which is crucial for an online video meeting, then why look for an external camera to be used on your home computer for the same purpose?

Seek Help from ‘Messages for web’

One thing that you can be sure of when going to start work from home is to receive far more text messages than you usually do. So, instead of typing on the tiny keyboard of your typical Android phone, you can buy the best Android phone such as OPPO Find X3 Pro 5G, featuring a 6.7-inches large AMOLED display which allows you to type messages on its big and smooth screen. In another case, you can connect ‘Messages’ app of your smartphone with the web-based version of it. For this, just go to https://messages.google.com on your PC’s browser followed by opening ‘Messages’ app on your Android phone. Then go to the ‘Menu,’ tap on ‘Device pairing’ and then scan the ‘QR Code.’ Once done, you will be able to efficiently manage text messages with the help of your regular PC mouse and keyboard through this feature.

Get Benefit from the ‘Clock’ App 

When you are working from home, your time becomes more precious. So, you need to be extra careful about segregating your time for different work and home tasks. Like if we talk about work routine, you should make a schedule for your lunch, breaks, work periods and more. Similarly, talking about home tasks, you should set timers for your sleeping time, waking up time and any other task whose tracking is crucial to get you stay on your working schedule. You can set all the timers on the ‘Clock’ app that comes pre-installed in Android smartphones.

Android Phone Are Now Better Than Ever

A few years back, you had to rely on a landline phone to make or receive calls in the home office. Modern day best Android phones are smart enough to do all this work for you like making or receiving calls, doing a conferencing call, or even switching between calls. Furthermore, you can use different apps like Google Hangouts to arrange a video conference call. However, one thing that you can do to elevate your call listening experience is to buy either a superior quality pair of headphones or earbuds such as OPPO Enco X2. These OPPO earbuds feature several top-of-the-line features like 45dB active noise cancellation, AI bone voiceprint microphone and LHDC 4.01 technology to take your call experience to a whole new level.

Wrapping It Up

Modern smartphones are complete packages and provide innumerable productive features. You can make use of these features to improve your work from home efficiency and ensure a smooth workflow. Being following its innovation-driven approach, OPPO holds a rich portfolio of the best Android phones that offer various premium features on quite competitive price tags. You can explore our website to explore many tempting Android smartphone options available that you can buy to get benefit in your work from home routine.